Search graduate:

Aaro Veiderpass

  • Faculty of Design
  • Graphic Design
  • BA
  • Impulzine
  • Tutor: Sean Yendrys
  • 6 zines, website

The zine Impulzine in six parts deals with creative impulses in graphic design and looks for answers outside of studio spaces. Designers are usually taught to analyze and question their first ideas to figure out what is the optimal outcome. But while grinding those rational gears, chaotic energy that comes from the joy of making might go missing. In Impulzine catalog you can find texts about the everyday, exhibition spaces, sports, music and humor besides the joy of just making to get inspired by working without thinking and just doing. Texts that range from improvised manhole cover replacements to the psychological effects of boxing ring architecture provide the readers with new loose ends to think about graphic design. The publication does not expect any design expertise from the reader and the author is very happy if the publication is read as fairytales before bedtime. Try putting your hand in this haystack to see if you can find the needle that inspires you to create something new!

You can read the zines online from here: